Astrology energy update: Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, Aquarius Full Moon
Liberate from the definition of Self, be open to all probabilities of what you can become.
We are still in the Sun Leo season. The archetype of Leo correlates to Soul’s creative energy to actualize our unique path, to be in charge (freedom to choose without in control of outcome) of our destiny.
Through life, we are constantly imprinted and programmed by mainstream values/expectations through interactions in personal and social relationships. We are all trained to be psychically aware of our roles, position and value in relationships, family/community, workplace and society.
The programmed character is an image that can be perceived and evaluated by social standards, sadly that’s how a lot of people view themselves and others. The true Self contains too many contradictions, the richness and vastness can not be defined by category, and this Self is constantly changing, re-inventing itself within a core energy holding and weaving every seemingly fragmented piece together.
The state of constant becoming, when met with already intense survival fear under social/financial instability, many become a self-image, a self and a reality can be perceived within social agreement, to have simplified guidance to navigate life within social programming. When a society functions under this simplicity and limitation, the limited self image and shared anxiety are constantly reinforced through social interaction, through encouragement or judgment, through emotional reactions of feeling safe and accepted or shame and rejection.
Full moon Aquarius energy asks us to break this cycle.
Aquarius archetype correlates to the unique vibration of our authentic Self, a realm of reality beyond physical, a vibration with wisdom to contain and balance contradictions.
To discover true Self, we need to step out of comfort zone, explore things that fascinate us even trigger others, to try things we have impression that we are terrible at, and have the space, courage and patience to deal with mistakes, solve problems, especially stay conscious to feel the anxieties, fear, shame, guilt and anger being triggered by judgment and rejections.
The Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, activates an energy that helps us to be more open to all the probabilities, and all the potentials that we can become.
Being open, on the energy level, feels like making a decision or taking an action that resonates with your authentic desire at the current moment, and committing to it, allows things to unfold, accepting the anxiety of the unknown.
When we try to know, we are actually trying to get rid of the anxiety and fear of losing control. In this state, to know, is to limit probabilities into a comfort zone that can be defined and analyzed by the logical mind.
The true Self we are becoming, exists in a much vaster realm that can not be defined (limited) by the logical mind, or communicated by language. To be open to more possibilities of how things unfold, we allow our experiences to be as rich as they can be, we take in new wisdom, growth and expansion on the energetic level, entering new vibration opens us to new perspectives, choices, state of being that we did not know, was not able to imagine in old limited self-image vibration.
To feel the change is coming, to feel the enthusiasm of hope, to commit and work hard to your personal goal, to enjoy momentary satisfaction, to feel intense anxiety of doubt, to feel completely lost, even to feel all above simultaneously, is to be alive, self-image is a man made concept, your true Self is alive, to become your true Self is to be alive.